start at the beginning of the beginning

Mike Bertelsen
2 min readJan 31, 2023

Finding peace within ourselves is a challenge. For some, this challenge is daily. I don’t need to go into all that we come up against. You know what obstacles you’re up against and I know mine.

Did you know Christ knows what we face?

He knows, because he faced challenges when he was alive in human form. The Bible tells us when Christ was confronted by Satan in the wilderness. The Bible also tells us when he became so stressed that he sweat blood.

When he was in human form, he saw for himself life’s trials and tribulations. He knows. He knows us better than we know ourselves. That may be a lot to get our arms around, but it’s true. He came to Earth at the command of God, the Father Almighty. Christ came to learn about people, their victories and defeats. He did that by being human.

We need Christ’s peace to accomplish his purpose in our lives. Walk with Christ along paths of peace; enjoy the journey in Christ’s presence.

Since Christ is our constant companion, his peace is steadfastly with us. When we keep our focus on Christ, we experience both his presence and his peace.

Christ’s unshakable kingdom is for all of us. We must first know Christ as Savior. Christ’s everlasting kingdom consists of things we can’t see. There is no human mind that has conceived the entire spectrum of Christ’s realm. Our faith in Christ allows us to know that his kingdom is real and ready for us when we realize that Christ is our Savior.

We have to put Christ in context. To do that we must start at the beginning of the beginning. Christ helps us proclaim the Word of God. In proclaiming God’s Word we help ourselves and each other.

